Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Brief History of Hinduism

Hinduism is the world’s oldest major religion and as such there are many details regarding its origins which cannot be known for sure. However, what information we do have on the origins of Hinduism is more or less hypothetical and has been compiled through anthropological study, more specifically, archaeology. Through the deciphering and analysis of ancient texts we have arrived at what is currently our “best guess” as to how Hinduism arose in the Indus River Valley as far back as 2000 BCE.

Indus Valley Map

One of the focal points in any account of the origins and formation of the Hindu religion is that of the “Aryans” and their invasion of the Indus Valley in the wake of the Harappan civilization’s downfall. There is much dispute amongst historians and academics as to whether or not such invasions actually occurred. For the sake of education, both viewpoints will be given and discussed. No matter what viewpoint is chosen we can infer several things about the Harappan civilization itself through the examination of materials excavated from the site it once occupied. “Evidence from the seals and potsherds would seem to support the view that the Harappans were either worshippers of trees or of beings or gods identified with trees or, most likely, both” (Herman, 42). Furthermore, the repeated inclusion of a certain figure on such seals is believed to be that of the god we now know as Shiva. “Several of the seals depict a man seated cross-legged in the style that came much later to be associated with the ‘lotus posture’ of yogis in meditation. […] Another of these ‘yogis’ gives very strong support to the hypothesis that what we are looking at is the first appearance of that being later to be identified as the Hindu god Siva” (Herman, 42). In light of this information we are able to more fully appreciate the influence the Harappan civilization had in the development of Hinduism as we know it today. The Harappan civilization declined shortly after 1900 BCE. What took place after their decline is up for debate.


Two major theories have evolved in an attempt to understand what occurred after the downfall of the Harappan civilization. In the first, the region previously occupied by the Harappans was “invaded” by Aryans in the surrounding Indus Valley area. “The Aryan migration thesis that the Indus Valley groups calling themselves ‘Aryans’ (noble ones) migrated into the sub-continent and became the dominant cultural force. Hinduism, on this view, derives from their religion recorded in the Veda along with elements of the indigenous traditions they encountered” (BBC, 17). In the second, there is no invasion and it is believed that the Aryan culture developed out of the Indus Valley culture. “The cultural transformation thesis states that Aryan culture is a development of the Indus Valley culture. On this view there were no Aryan migrations (or invasion) and the Indus valley culture was an Aryan or Vedic culture” (BBC, 17).

It is from this point that the ball really gets rolling in terms of developing the Hindu religion into what it is today. The Vedas are the oldest form of Hindu scriptures, containing hymns, prayers and ritual texts composed during a period of a thousand or so years. The word Veda means wisdom or knowledge (Allaboutreligion, 5). The Vedas are also the primary text on which Hinduism, as we know it, is based. From the period of 500 BCE to 500 CE we see the composition of further texts including the Dharma Sutras, Shastras, Mahabharata, Ramayana and Puranas. The Dharma Sutras introduced the concept of dharma (law, duty and truth) which is central to Hinduism. During this period of time there was also a minimization in the practice of Vedic fire sacrifice in light of an increase in devotional worship (BBC, 27).

From the period of 500 CE to 1500 CE we see a stark rise in the devotional worship of three major deities (Vishnu, Shiva and Devi). It is also in this period of time that great regional temples begin to be constructed.


More importantly this time period sees extensive developments in the philosophies and teachings of the two major branches of Hinduism: Vaishnavism and Shaivism (BBC, 33). Hinduism continued to flourish until British occupation from the mid-1700’s to the mid-1900’s at which point there was a large movement to westernize the population. The nineteenth century saw the development of a “Hindu Renaissance” with reformers such as Gandhi making headway in returning India and the Hindu population back to its roots and being freed of British occupation while other reformers sought to rid Hinduism of what they saw as “superstitious” elements (BBC, 60).

Works Cited

All About Religion - History of Hinduism. N.p., 2002. Web. 11 Apr. 2010. .allaboutreligion.org/history-of-hinduism-faq.htm>.

Flood, Gavin. BBC - Religions - History of Hinduism. BBC, 24 Aug. 2009. Web. 11 Apr. 2010. .bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/history/history_1.shtml>.

Herman, Arthur L. A Brief Introduction to Hinduism: Religion, Philosophy and Ways of Liberation. N.p.: Westview Press, 1991. 42-43. Print.

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